31st Annual Meeting held in Newport Beach May 14-16, 2015
After a few years enjoying our “home away from home” in Pismo Beach, we travelled to Orange County and Newport Beach for our 31st Annual Meeting. We heard that it never rains in Southern California, but we learned that it pours, man, it pours! Many of our meeting and meal locations had to be changed due to the weather, thanks to all our attendees for their patience and their quick study of the hotel event-reader boards.
Golf Tournament at Tijeras Creek and Welcome Reception
The weather attempted to rain on our parade but we had a great time on a beautiful, challenging course. Thanks to all of our sponsors and golfers. A very special “thank you” to Jeff Ohlson, with Williams Form Engineering, for organizing the tournament and his tireless fundraising efforts; Jeff always makes the tournament successful and a lot of fun. Special guest Sue Hubbard, PGA Super Senior Women’s Amateur Champion, joined us for driving assistance which was invaluable with the swirling winds. On behalf of everyone at the WCC, we are pleased that Mike Moore was not seriously injured during the “cart incident”. We are also pleased that Rick Walsh abandoned the cart so was not at all injured – the West Coast Chapter continues to “lead by example”!
We had the chance to dry out and warm up a little bit before the Welcome Reception. The reception has become a happy new tradition for the chapter. It is a nice opportunity to catch up with everyone, share golf (or rain) stories and reconnect with old friends before we get to work with the business of the meeting.
Golf Tournament Winners
1st: Joe Ontiveros, Steve Wilson, CharlieBower, Jeff Payne
2nd: Pete Speier, Rob Small, Jeff Veilleux, Darrell Ledbetter
Putting Contest – Jack Bonomi
Long Drive – Charlie Bower
The education and training of our current and future members is one of the main purposes of the West Coast Chapter. Friday’s Education Session, assembled by Will Gehrke, Case Pacific (Paso Robles) and Steve Williams, Condon-Johnson & Assoc. (San Diego) was another informative and useful session with great attendance. The WCC sponsored several ASCE Geo Wall teams from our chapter area to compete at IFCEE; we also invited them to attend the Annual Meeting – we had 15 students and one Professor who were able to join us for our educational session. Thank you to LIEBHERR for sponsoring the student attendees.
- Tian Dong, Malcolm Drilling (Hayward, CA)
- John Bickford, DBM Contractors (Federal Way, WA)
- Pirooz Barar, PB&A Engineering (San Rafael, CA)
- Scott Douglass, Douglass Law Group (San Francisco, CA)
- Colin Perkins, Malcolm Drilling (San Francisco, CA)
- Ray Fassett, Condon-Johnson & Assoc. (Oakland, CA)
- Josh Hilton, Condon-Johnson & Assoc. (Oakland, CA)
- Nick Ayres, Hayward Baker (El Cajon, CA)
- Will Gehrke, Case Pacific (Paso Robles, CA)
Auction and Dinner
The amazing Nate Jarrell Jazz Trio provided live music throughout the cocktail reception and dinner. They played for the ADSC when we were at the Loew’s Coronado; it was great to see them again. Many of our engineering students were able to stay for dinner. My special thanks to Gerald and Charles from Cal Poly Pomona for saving me from a PowerPoint nightmare! Rick Walsh handed out President’s Awards and special recognition awards, Mike Moore entertained us with a few good stories and Vinnie Di Fabio was there to make sure everyone had a great time.
The fundraiser included over 35 silent auction items and four live auction packages. Thanks to Joe Patterson, TEI Rock Drills, our Auction Chair, for rounding up a great selection of quality items. We raised almost $25,000 to support the West Coast chapter’s research, education and training, and university outreach programs.
President’s Awards
Associate of the Year
Champion Equipment and Sales
Live Auction Items Provided By:
- CETCO – pallet of Shore Pac Slurry
- LIEBHERR – LR 1600 Crane Model
- RAITO, Inc. – Disneyland Park hopper Passes
- Sinclair – pallet of Slurry CDP Pro
Silent Auction Items Provided By:
- ADSC International
- Atlas Copco
- BAUER-Pileco
- Bay Shore
- Becho
- Case Pacific
- Champion
- Condon-Johnson & Assoc.
- Con-Tech Systems
- DBM Contractors
- Dees-Hennessey
- Drill Tools
- Hawaiian Dredging
- Hayward Baker
- Jeffrey Machine
- Malcolm Drilling
- Pengo
- PJ’s Rebar
- Raito
- Sinclair
- Skyline Steel
- TEI Rock Drills
- Watson
- Williams Form
31st Annual Board Meeting
Happily we were able to have Saturday breakfast outside in the California sunshine, the rain kept us inside for lunch. We had a very full agenda but the meeting moved along at a healthy pace, allowing us to accommodate three Associate Presentations – Dywidag Systems, Inc.; Skyline Steel; and Champion Equipment. Committee reports as well as a report from ADSC CEO Mike Moore were presented. Rick Walsh, Hayward Baker, was instrumental in getting the engineering students to attend the Education Session, Dinner and Annual Meeting. We will continue to look for ways to get the next generation of ADSC members involved. We hope to make this a yearly occurrence!Mike Kennedy, with Hayward Baker, recently helped WCC members participate in two Constructability Workshops – a perfect example of members working to benefit all members and the industry.
The proposed Bylaw Revisions were overwhelmingly approved and enacted. The WCC voted to provide funding to the ADSC International Faculty Workshop.
Almost 500 photos and video were submitted by WCC members in the Go Pro Contest sponsored by Champion Equipment, after much deliberation Rick Walsh was declared the winner by our webmaster / photographer Hanmi Meyer.
Bill Mobley, Bull’s Eye Drilling, was unable to attend the festivities due to illness so we made sure to call Anne Mobley Friday evening to let her know they were with us in spirit. Our gratitude to outgoing Board Members Rick Walsh, Hayward Baker; Dale Scheffler, D.J. Scheffler; Steve Whisenhunt, LIEBHERR. We are pleased to announce we officially voted our first Associate to the Board of Directors – Jim Close, CZM USA. John Bickford, DBM Contractors, was elected to the Board of Directors for his first time and Steve Williams, Condon-Johnson & Assoc. was re-elected.
New WCC Board of Directors:
And, Many Thanks to…
Mike Moore of ADSC International for including the WCC on his “traveling chapter road show”, we appreciate your support.
Hanmi Meyer, our Webmaster/Photographer/Designer. Thanks for the great photos, the endless help with photos and slideshows, etc. AND for bringing her Mom, Sue Hubbard to help us on the golf course!
Event Sponsors and Exhibitors:
Diamond Sponsors:
- Atlas-Copco
- Champion Equipment
- LIEBHERR Nenzing Crane
- PJ’s Rebar
- Watson, Inc.
Platinum Sponsors:
- BAUER-Pileco
- Foundation Drilling
- Pengo
- TEI Rock Drills
Gold Sponsors:
- Condon-Johnson & Assoc.
- Control Chemical/MATEX
- PACO Ventures, LLC
- Shimmick Construction
Golf Tournament Sponsors:
- Atlas Copco
- AVAR Construction
- Bay Shore Systems
- Blaze Equipment
- C & M Manufacturing
- Control Chemical/MATEX (2)
- Condon-Johnson & Assoc. (Oakland & San Diego)
- DBM Contractors
- Dywidag Systems, Inc.
- Hayward Baker
- Hillside Drilling
- LIEBHERR Nenzing Crane (2)
- PACO Ventures (Pin Flags)
- PJ’s Rebar
- San Diego Powder Coating
- Shimmick Construction (Golf Bar)
- Skyline Steel
- Atlas-Copco CMT
- BAUER-Pileco, Inc.
- Bay Shore Systems
- Champion Equipment
- Con-Tech Systems, Ltd
- Dywidag Systems, Inc.
- Jeffrey Machine
- Kelly Tractor/IMT International
- LIEBHERR Nenzing Crane
- MATRIX Construction Products
- PACO Ventures, LLC
- Pengo Corporation
- PJ’s Rebar
- Sinclair Well Products
- Stressteel, Inc.
- Williams Form Engineering
Next Annual Meeting will be held in Pismo Beach at The Cliffs!