2018 Annual Meeting Recap
With its stunning views, impeccable service, and nearby attractions, it is no wonder the WCC has called The Cliffs our “home away from home” for many years.
Golf Tournament and Welcome Reception
The golf tournament is a great way to kick-off the Annual Meeting. Thanks to Scott Laurance, Drilltools, and to all the companies who donated and sponsored to make this another successful golf tournament.
The Welcome Reception is the perfect time to meet new members and reconnect with old friends – one attendee says “Thank you so much for being so hospitable and bringing us together. I used to go to these events and feel like an outsider, but this time I left feeling like I just met a lot of friends. The culture of the ADSC has really changed over the past 10 years and for the first time, I want to be a part of it.” The WCC is truly fortunate to have so many kind, fun-loving, and generous members.
Look to the annual meeting page for lots more photos!
Education Session
The Annual Education Session helps
fulfill our purpose as a chapter of the ADSC. Friday’s presentations, compiled by Josh Hilton, Condon-Johnson & Associates, and Will Gehrke, Case Pacific Company, made for a highly informative and interesting session. 18 engineering students and professors from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and UC Irvine joined Annual Meeting with support from WCC members.
Here are a couple of comments regarding this year’s education:
WCC Past President Mike Kennedy, Hayward Baker, “This years Education Session was filled with a good mix of NEW BLOOD. It was nice to see presentations done by Company’s and members who had not been to our annual meeting before. It nice to see that the same issues our industry have in doing our work is the same for a lot of other companies in our industry as well. Nice to share War stories and solutions. All helps at making our industry that much stronger. It was Especially nice to see a member of the National ADSC Board there too. Mr. Marshall brings a passion for safety like no other and his presentation are enlightening and always pertinent. Keep up the Good Work Becky and C
urrent Board. I expect even better lessons learned in Portland next year.”
Long-time Member and previous Director Bill Mobley, Bull’s Eye Drilling, “this was one of the best education sessions I’ve ever attended. The Case studies were outstanding and all the pertinent information on safety measures used today, particularly the Silica dust protection measures, were invaluable.”
Our guests from UC Irvine, “A BIG thank you (again) from the entire UCI group for hosting us at the 2018 ADSC West Coast Chapter Meeting. All of us enjoyed the meeting, the presentations, and the time with the Chapter members a lot.
Even though it was far for us to drive, we all felt that it was totally worth it and we collectively wanted to express our gratitude again for the sponsorship of our attendance during the educational sessions and the banquet, for your generosity, and simply for letting us be part of the meeting. We truly appreciate the wonderful connection we get to enjoy with the WCC and are very grateful!
From all of us at UC Irvine: Amber Ganapathy, Crystel Malouf, Lance Angeles, Lohrasb Keykhosropour, Loay Bahadur, Rabie Farrag, Ani Sarkissian, and Anne Lemnitzer”
Education Session Speakers
- Jim Brunkhorst, Pacific Foundation – Hindsight is 20/20
- Ryan Gammons, Condon-Johnson & Assoc – New Respirable Crystalline Silica Standards
- Brett Mainer, Drill Tech Drilling – Oroville Dam Emergency Spillway Secant Piles
- Rick Marshall, ADSC Safety – Importance of Drill Rig Stability/Working Platforms
- Ben Turner, Dan Brown & Assoc – We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Anchors
- Rick Marshall, ADSC Safety – NCCCO and ADSC Drill Rig Operator Certification Program
- Casey Garneau, Malcolm Drilling – The Versatility of Drilled Shafts: Loma Linda Steam Plant
- John Yusunas, Hayward Baker – Project Neon
- *(links to most presentations can be found on the Resources tab)
Auction and Dinner
Almost 130 people turned out for dinner, where we had more than 30 silent auction items and four tantalizing live auction packages! Just shy of $25,000 was raised to support the WCC and its Industry Advancement Fund. We are indebted to the amazing member companies who make these auctions so successful, from everyone who donates items to all of the happy auction bid winners. A special thanks to Jim Close, CZM USA (Sunriver, OR) and Joe Patterson, (Portland, OR) for all of their efforts for the auction.
The live auction was a fun-filled bidding battle. Case Pacific and Condon-Johnson each snagged pallets of slurry donated by CETCO/PACO and Sinclair Products while Malcolm Drilling picked up Raiders Tickets from Case Pacific and a Park City, UT condo donated by Champion Equipment.
We took the opportunity to recognize a few Membership Milestones. 10 years for Advanced Geosolutions and 5 years for Becho, Inc.
Outgoing Board Members:
Steve Williams, Condon-Johnson & Assoc.
President’s Awards:
Jeff Veilleux, PJ’s Rebar
Sinclair Products
Live Auction Items Provided By:
CETCO and PACO – pallet of Shore Pac Slurry; Case Pacific Company – Oakland Raiders Tickets; Sinclair – pallet of Slurry CDP Pro; and Champion Equipment – Condo in Park City, UT
Silent Auction Items Provided By:
ADSC, BAUER-Pileco, Blaze, Bull’s Eye Drilling, Case Pacific, CETCO, Champion, Con-Tech, Condon-Johnson, DBM, Drilltools, DSI, Employers’ Advocate, Epiroc, Hawaiian Dredging, Malcolm, Matrix, Michels, Newton Promo, PACO, PJ’s Rebar, SAS, Sinclair, TEI, Watson, Western Equipment Solutions
34th Annual Board Meeting
Blaze Equipment, and Williams Form Engineering, gave 15-minute Associate product presentations at the board meeting and members elected two new members to the Board, Associate members re-elected Jeff Veilleux as Associate Committee Chair. The WCC Website will soon have a link to its previous meeting minutes as well as what committee meeting minutes are available.
It is a special treat for me when BD Smith with ADSC attends the WCC Annual Meeting – he is such a help, it makes the entire meeting more enjoyable.
Also, VERY special thanks to Tracy Phifer, Jeffrey Machine, for being the official photographer for our event. Thank you, Tracy, you did a great job!
Next WCC meeting is the Fall E-meeting on September 20, 2018 at 2:00pm. Winter board meeting will be in Southern California, host and date TBD. And then, it is our 35th Annual Meeting in Portland, OR May 16-18, 2019 at the historic Benson Hotel.
Many Thanks to our 2018 Event Sponsors!
Platinum Level Sponsors
Champion Equipment
Hammer & Steel
PJ’s Rebar
Gold Level Sponsors
Pacific Coast Drilling Company
Skyline Steel
Silver Level Sponsors
A.P.E. American Pile Driving
Condon-Johnson & Associates
Hayward Baker
TEI Rock Drills
Watson, Inc.
Western Equipment Solutions
Bronze Level Sponsors
Bay Shore Systems
Blaze Equipment
Casagrande USA
Case Pacific Company
DBM Contractors
Dees-Hennessey, Inc.
Dywidag Systems
Epiroc, USA
Foundation Equipment Supplies
Foundation Technologies
Jeffrey Machine
Kelly Tractor
Matrix Construction Products
Michels Corporation
Newton Promotions
Pacific Foundation
PENGO Attachments
SAS Stressteel
Sinclair Well Products
Williams Form Engineering