Our thanks to everyone who joined us for our 2020 Fall Board E-Meeting, this was our first time using Zoom; things went very smoothly and it was great to see some faces after so much time apart! Here are some of the highlights from that meeting:
DOT & Labor Committees: We continue to work with the respective DOT’s in our region, encouraging conversation and cooperation.
The Local 302 (Washington) Drill Rig Operator’s training has been postponed to the Fall of 2020. Local 3 (Northern California) training is scheduled for spring of 2021. We continue to push for more training and cooperation with Local 12 (Southern California).
WCC Membership: We welcomed new members Legacy Foundation and Dextra Group bringing us to 37 contractors and 41 associate members.
NCCCO ADSC Drill Rig Operator Certification Task Force: All candidates who took the written exam back in 2018 have now completed their practical exams. Bob Federighi, WCC Test Practitioner, was able to get 11 candidates certified in Ellensburg at the end of July. We encourage everyone to put Bob to work! We are working with several companies to host on-site written and/or practical exams. Remember that hosting a practical exam on your equipment increases your candidate’s chance of success.
WCC future meeting schedule: Covid has brought us uncertainty around gathering, along with a tough economic climate. In light of that, we’ve decided to change the planned Annual Meeting in February 2021. The meeting will be held virtually as a “winter” meeting. We will have an Annual Meeting with the Board of Directror’s election in late May, or June of 2021. This means our main fundraiser has been cancelled for two years in a row. There was much conversation on this topic, my thanks to Sue Frank, TEI Rock Drills, for her input regarding other Covid postponements and cancellations; also my thanks to Sue, and WCC Associate Chair, Jeff Veilleux, PJ’s Rebar, for reminding all Associates that supporting the ADSC and WCC means continuing to sponsor and contribute even when times are difficult. Jeff has his team brainstorming fundraising ideas for the chapter – way to go Jeff!