Our thanks to everyone who joined us for our 2018 Fall Board Meeting on September 20, here are some of the highlights from that meeting:
DOT Committees: WCC continues to work with the respective DOT’s in our region. Mike Kimball with Inland Foundation Specialties is now the WCC Idaho Transportation Department committee chair. The Local 302 strike in Washington was discussed and seems to be resolved for WCC members at this time.
WCC Membership: WCC welcomed two new contractor members Rev Drilling, and Matcon USA.
Safety Update: Condon-Johnson (Livermore, CA) and DBM (Federal Way, WA) each hosted a September 8th Beta Test Exam for the NCCCO/ADSC Drill Rig Operator certification. We look forward to hearing the results from the Beta Testing.
WCC housekeeping: The 2019 budget was approved. The minutes from our 2018 Annual Meeting have been amended, contact beckypatterson@adscwest.org for a copy.